Welcome to 

Covenant Church of Naples! 

We aspire to be a loving family, dependent on the Holy Spirit, committed to the Word, growing in grace, and reaching out in mercy. If you’re already a Christian, or not yet a Christian, we hope that you’ll experience Covenant as a place where you can discover God’s love and grace through the Word of God and the people of God.



8:30 & 11 AM Worship Services
10AM  Sunday School

Children dismissed at offering for Children's Church
Spanish translation available


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We offer New Member classes three times a year on Sunday mornings.  During the classes you will meet the pastors and staff of Covenant Church as well as other new members.  Intro to Covenant is the pathway to become a member of the church and establish our commitment to you and yours to the church.  The classes will cover varying topics from our mission, vision, doctrinal distinctives, history, organizational structure, and biblical commitments.

Let's Get Connected!


...The Bible is the written word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit and without error in the original manuscripts. The Bible is the revelation of God's truth and is infallible and authoritative in all matters of faith and practice.
...In the Holy Trinity. There is one God, who exists eternally in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
...That the Holy Spirit draws people to Christ, indwells God's people, giving them the strength and wisdom to trust Christ and follow Him and imparts spiritual gifts to believers.

About Covenant Church


Find out who is on staff at Covenant Church of Naples.


Events are an essential part of living in the rhythm of our mission, find all of the current happenings on our events page. 


Contact us to learn more about Covenant.



Worship is what we were made for, and it’s also the linchpin of The Rhythm. Our desire is to see a people who worship weekly in the worship center (with our Covenat Family), regularly in the home (with those with whom you live), and daily in the closet (alone with the Lord). As a result, this kind of international worship finds expression in the day-to-day stuff of life so that everything we do becomes an act of worship.


Growth in the Christian life happens by the Spirit of God, through the Word of God, among the people of God. Each one of us needs to be in an intentional relationship with at least one other person where we can study the Word and help one another grow in both our knowledge and practice of a gospel-centered Christian Life.


Our mutual welfare depends upon the welfare of each part of the body. God has given every believer spiritual gifs and abilities to use in God’s service to minister to our brothers and sisters. We are called to serve the body and each of us should pursue serving the Covenant family with our time, talents and treasure.


Each believer is called to go engage in God’s mission of making disciples in our family, community, and world. Each week we desire to see Covenat co-laborers go out our doors to proclaim good news and to do good works in Jesus’ name starting with our family, reaching to our community, and extending even to the world.

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